Sunday 3 March 2013

CRFA show

I was lucky enough this year to go to the CRFA show to get connected with my local vendors and the big distributors.  The place was so big that I barely had enough time to talk to everyone.  Every owner that was mutual interested  had their info. scanned so a follow up would happen later in the week.  

There were tons of cakes, bars, beer, sandwiches, cheese and breads to try. I have never been surrounded by so much food and beverages yet feel so unsatisfied.  There was food everywhere but I couldn't just sit and eat properly.  I had to sample a few bites here and there.

This has to be the "oh my good it's so good I want to die for" cake.  It  was gluten free but it had to have nuts in it  It was better than the flour-less cake at the Distillery District that Allen got for us (sorry Allen).  If i had to describe it ... it has a chocolatey crumbly base, with creamy mocha, and it tasted like reeses with more goodness on top. Out of the 50 samples I had, this had to be the best.


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