Tuesday 18 October 2011

Day 1: London - Oh Belgravia

         I'm very fortunate to be staying at one of the Embassys in Belgravia.  It is located in central London in the City of Westminster and is known has one of the wealthiest districts in the world.  
         On my way to Susan's place I was so pleased to see that many of the attractions I wanted to see were so close by to where I'm staying.  Everything is at walking distance like Hyde Park, Green Park, Buckingham Palace, Oxford street, Big Ben, the London Eye and what not.  
          The area is so posh that it's constantly kept clean around the clock. The neighborhood is painted all white.  The three little parks are gated with peeps on patrol and this area is super quiet during the day and night despite it being so close to attractions. 
        Everything around this area looks so similar that it's very easy for me to get lost. Those that know me know that I have clueless when it comes to direction.  It doesn't help that the house is tucked away.  To find my way home,I don't go by numbers or street names but follow the flags of each embassy home.  

     The closest station is Victoria Station.  It's a convenient location to get money exchanged with underground shops, trains, a metro and a bus station.  It's also near a few theaters and nice restaurants. I really like this place, it's bustling with people all the time.  

          For the next few days I will post more pics of my adventures in London but for the first day I'm just going relax and get catch some zzz's.  My trip from Toronto to London was brutal one because there was a very loudest girl snoring the whole flight across the Atlantic ocean.  Thank goodness she didn't sit beside me but she was so loud that I didn't get a wink of sleep!

        Here's a peek at what the inside of the Embassy looks like. I don't know what this room is, maybe a meeting room?

       And here is Mums hopping around.  I just adore her.  She's almost like a doggie.
She blends with the carpet so it might be hard to see her but it doesn't make her any less cute!
I'm just super grateful that she didn't poop coco balls in any of these rooms.  
I'm sure we'd get into lots of trouble.

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