Wednesday 19 October 2011

Day 2: Stonehenge and Sheeps?

          Most of my day was spent at Stonehenge.  The trip to Wiltshire took hours but it was worth the trip.  Stonehenge is one of Britain's most known monuments for its beauty and mystical past.

 During my tour I had to carry this audio guide.  

          I learnt that Stonehenge was built around 2000 BC.  The outside circle of Stonehenge have 17 big upright stones made out of hard sandstone.  People are unsure of what it's purpose is but Susan and I think it's a calendar or ritual area of some sort.

          There's one stone that isn't made of sandstone and it's known as the slaughter stone which has a reddish tint to it.  It was rumored that sacrifices took place at Stonehenge on that very stone that is half buried in the ground where victims were butchered under moonlight back in the olden times.  O_O Oh  my!

This is the healing stone.  It's kinda left to the side.

     One of the most amazing things I saw opposite of Stonehenge were....sheeps.  I never saw some many little beasts in my life. There were HUNDREDS of them everywhere!

<3 Stonehenge.  

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