Sunday 28 August 2011

Day 12 - Hoi An : My Son ruins and relics, snorkeling, Cham Island

         Out we go to My Son to see the ruins and relics.  My Son is a cluster of abandoned and partially ruined Hindu temples.  They were constructed between the 4th and 14th century AD by the kings of Champa.  

The temples are made by a reddish brick which were fit together.

There are decorative art that were carved directly onto the bricks.

The buildings have their own unique shape
 but I have no idea what this building shape would be considered O_O.  

There were some relics left at My Son.  This is a statue of Shiva.

More relics...

Holy water was made by pouring water on this stone linga.
        When we reached the other temples, they were in ruins.  Bombs were dropped during the Vietnam War and destroyed almost everything here.  There are a few scattered pieces of brick from the walls and a couple fallen pillars.  It's such a pity.
        Looking out from the Harbour at Cham Island.  We took a speedboat to Cham Island.  Along the way, we did some snorkeling.  Every time we left an area by bus or boat, our guide would count the number of people AFTER we left.  Some poor soul would always get left behind.  It's funny until the person that gets lost is you.  Getting left behind sometimes happen and this is why you should always being a traveling buddy.
        Cham Island covers an area of 235km.  We will alter eat at one of the islands that surround these waters.  A feast is to be had, yay!  There are eight islands that are apart of Cham Islands and they are known as Hon Lao.

Some squid being baked in the sun.

After our dinner, we relaxed on the beach. 
Everything was perfect except...can you see what I see? Yup, warships!

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