Monday 15 August 2011

Day 4: Ho Chi Minh - Binh Tay Market and Crossing the Street

        Today's plan was to go to Binh Tay Market.  Binh Tay Market  is one of Ho Chi Minh's largest and exciting markets stocked with clothes, lacquer wares, food, souvenirs and all sorts of goodies.  It's a no brainer that I had to go there.  However, crossing the streets in Vietnam on my way there was  probably one of the scariest experiences in my life .  
        There are crossing light for pedestrians in some areas of the city but it seems like most of the time, nobody follows them.   I found myself launching into full on traffic just to get from one destination to another if I wanted to walk. 
        The picture above is a quick snapshot following a local closely.  I definitely remember saying "OMG, I'm going to die" every time I had cross the street for the first few days because traffic is crazy chaotic there.  Motorcycles make up the vast majority of traffic.  Motorcyclist drive relatively slow there and many of them will swirl around you if you are in their way. What's interesting about the rules of the road is that the largest vehicle has right of way, all the time, in all situations so GTFO if you are in its way.   It's kinda funny that Vietnam driving signals consists mainly of honking.
I made it safely to Binh Tay Market.  Hoorays!

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