Monday 15 August 2011

Day 2: Ho Chi Minh - Pho and the General Post Office

       It was a pleasant surprise to see the rise of pho franchises such as "Pho 24".  Sadly they don't open 24/7 but the place up to western standards, affordable and not to mention delicious.  My meals were under $3 dollars for pho and fresh coconut drinks.
     For those that I don't know, pho is a soup made from stock flavoured with various spices such as star anise, ginger and herbs.  It is served with  chicken or beef and is eaten during the morning.  Restaurants will offer you a plate of fresh green leaves and it's not a salad!  The plate of fresh greens will have items like basil, mint, spiky ngo gai, been sprouts, chillis, and lemon in which you can add to your bowl of hot soup to customize it to your taste.

A stop to the General Post Office. 
         Inside the post office you can see a curved ceiling designed by Gustave Eiffel. I found it to be a lovely place to scribble a postcard and buy stamps as souvenirs for friends and family.

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