Monday 29 August 2011

Day 14 : Hue - Imperial City (Hue Citadel)

        If you're in Hue you gotta go to the Imperial City.  It's a large place with many things to see and do. This place is massive. You will need a map and a lot of time to see everything. You can visit all the palaces with their many royal quarters.  The place built in 1804 and served as Vietnam's capital until  1945.  

Across from Hue's Citadel is Cot Co, also known as the big flag.

        When going to the entrance, there are large lily ponds.  A mote was built around the whole city and water comes from Hue's perfume river. 

We go in the side of the building to enter.

        We go inside the throne room.  Inside Tha'i Ho'a Palace everything is red and gold.  When I looked waaay up, I saw various poems on the wall.

Around the palace grounds I saw different statues of mystical creatures.  
The first one I saw was a dragon...
 and the second one is a...
hmm, I don't know what this is actually.  A doggy?

        In the Forbidden Purple City is where the emperor would do all his work.  It now looks like a large field of grass with  a few brick walls that survived the fire in 1947 and the fight during the 1968 Tet Offensive.
Another wall.

        Although the Purple Forbidden City is in ruins, the rest of the citadel is really amazing.  Here's an example of what an internal gate to the main buildings would look like.  The are a few gates inside the citadel.
These are the gates to Hung Mieu, the temple dedicated to the parents of the Nguyen Emperor Gia Long.

The hallways in the citadel are very pretty.  They vary in styles too.

In one of the buildings we found a carriage.
 A noble would be carried in this by four servants.

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