Friday 26 August 2011

Day 8: Nha Trang - Mun, Mot and Tam Islands

        I was so excited when we landed in Cam Rahn.  Our final destination - a coastal city called Nha Trang which was a 20 minute drive away.    On our way there, the air smelt so sweet and refreshing.   
        Nha Trang  is widely considered to have one amongst the world's most beautiful bays.  The area has beautiful beaches and is a popular place for scuba diving.  For today's agenda, we're going to mun, mot and tam island to snorkel and laze on the beach. 

We arrive at Cau Da harbour and sail out!  That's Mun Island.  
        The first diving sites are located around the bay of Nha Trang.  After an hour of boat riding, we arrive the islands of Hon Mim, and Hon Mot where I get to swim and see all the fishes.  The water here is extremely salty Q_Q I can only imagine that this is what it must feel like if I were to be swimming in Alice's tears.
        One the rare occasion, you will see people in these boat devices.  It's kinda cute.  I wouldn't dare try to steer in that round boat though.   I would totally go in circles and get sick.
        By the time we were reached Tam Island, I had some bbq seafood on the boat.  We can the option to grill if we caught any fishes while on the trip but nobody caught anything!  
After a few hours in the sea, it's nice to relax on the soft sandy coral shores of these islands.  

       There are many islands in Nha Trang.  There are a few islands that will charge you a very small entrance fee and you are free to use their  amenities from lounge chairs to water skiing.

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