Monday 15 August 2011

Day 6: Tay Ninh - Cao Dai Great Temple

      We went to Tay Ninh to go to the Great Temple.  It is the main place of worship of the Cao Dai which unites some of the world's major religions.  
The temple itself was built in 1880 and is set within a large complex of schools and administrative buildings.  

     I managed to catch one of the many ceremonies that occur during the day. 

      The ceremony was lovely. In the video, people worship in prayer and song.  Cao Dai priests are dressed in white and black turbans while priests done in red, blue and yellow robes signify Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.  

 I wandered on the area and saw more of the grounds. I meet some very  nice people ...
and monkeys chillin in a stadium.

Hmmm, is that who I think it actually is in the portrait?
        On the grounds there are many smaller temples for worship.  It is customary to take off your shoes and avoid walking in the center aisle unless you are there to worship.
When I came closer to the alter I noticed a variety of props.
Here is an example of what an alter in a smaller temple.  Alters vary depending on which building you are in.  In this one, the alter depicts a man on the bottom right fanning the deity  towards the sky.  

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